2016 Pop Culture Year in Review


And we’re back again for one more look back to 2016 before I can fully jump into 2017. Looking back on the past year there was a ton of good music, movies and tv shows to keep me entertained. From Frank Ocean to the kids on Stranger Things, I was glued to all things pop culture this year. Here’s a list of my top five favorite albums, movies and TV shows of 2016.


I can think of no album that deserves the top spot of 2016 like Lemonade by Beyoncé. The Queen totally ran the game in 2016. I loved the honesty, the heartbreak, the emotion and the self love of this album. Lemonade hit me in all the right spots. Sure, it didn’t have wide radio appeal, but that’s not what Beyoncé cares about at this point in her career. She is putting out the music that matters to her and it comes through as true art. 

Albums in 2016 that also earned the attention they got were: This is Acting by Sia, The Hamilton Mixtape by Lin-Manuel Miranda, The Life of Pablo by Kanye West and Glory by Britney Spears.


My favorite movie of the year was by far, Moonlight. I have heard multiple people in the LGBTQIA+ community state that this is one of the best “gay movies” they have ever seen, and I would have to agree. Moonlight tells the story of a black man, Chiron in three different life stages. The movie explores the intersectionality of being black and queer. I was impressed with the storytelling, the cinematography and the acting. Without a doubt, it is making the top of my list for movies from 2016 along with Oscar picks. 

Other top contenders for my favorite movies of 2016 include: Kubo and the Two Strings, La La Land, The Jungle Book and Moana. All of these movies should be on the top of your list to see.

TV Shows

By far my favorite new TV show of 2016, along with the rest of Mother Earth, was Stranger Things, hands down. I could not help but be hooked right from the get go by the story and the characters. As a gay man, I was immediately hypnotized by the (unfairly) forgotten Barb. Winona Ryder is another highlight of Stranger Things. She plays grieving mother, Joyce Byers, at such a high level when compared to the rest of the cast and it’s absolutely delightful. I cannot wait until Season Two. What is up with Eleven?! 

I would be remise if I didn’t mention these other great new shows that I couldn’t get enough of in 2016. These shows include: Insecure,  The Real O’Neals, Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life and This Is Us. 

Now that you’ve gotten a peak at my top picks of 2016, I want to know what yours were. Pop Culture entertainment is a large part of my life. I can’t wait for more good stuff in 2017. 


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